My name is Dani Rasmus Crichton. I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, aunt, friend, volunteer, amateur yogi, wine enthusiast, cheese fanatic, Greater Swiss Mountain Dog lover and aspiring artist who enjoys spending time with friends. Sly Rooster is the place where I share my entertaining triumphs and mishaps, hostess tips, party ideas and recipes, galore.
In a past life, I held the title of Director of Marketing and Creative Services at Men’s Journal magazine, having worked my way through the ranks at New York magazine and Conde Nast Traveler. While living in New York City and navigating a career in magazine publishing, I developed a taste for “the best.” The best bagels (Ess-a-Bagel), best quality sushi deal (Haru: 2 tuna, 2 yellowtail, 2 salmon nigiri and a tuna roll for $17.95), best bar scene (Wednesday nights at the Telephone Bar), best hotel in the world (a tie between Mandarin Oriental, Hong Kong and The Peninsula, Beverly Hills), best falafel (Mamoun’s), best linen shop (Schweitzer), best Sunday afternoon hangout (Miss Ellie’s Homesick Bar & Grill)…you get the point. I was the friend you’d call when looking for the perfect place to take a date or choosing a Caribbean holiday.
Fast forward to 2000 when I fell in love with my now-husband, Gary, left everything I knew and moved to Washington, D.C. In rapid succession I gave birth to child #1, #2 and #3 but in the interim managed to set up a marketing consulting business and alas, child #4, Sly Rooster was born. I often get asked “Sly Rooster?” and my answer is not short. You see, in my early 20’s I dreamed of forming a funk band and calling it Sly Rooster. Bear in mind that if you discount the two years of forced piano lessons between the ages of 9-11, there is absolutely nothing musical about me and my likelihood of forming a band was -1,000. But there it was, Sly Rooster. When making that move to D.C. and setting my sites on consulting, my entrepreneurial husband insisted that I establish a sole proprietorship and make things official. He was thinking “tax purposes” but I got carried away with logo design and stationary, the good stuff. Sly Rooster took off but eventually fizzled with the demands of mothering three children under the age of 3 1/2 years. Through it all, the “handle” stuck and I am warmly greeted with a “Hey, Sly Rooster!” by a different friend, each and everyday.
Now that my children are settled in elementary and middle school and I have a little more time, I’ve been trying to answer that elusive “what’s next?” I realized that there’s no turning back so why not take this opportunity to redefine and refocus. I didn’t have to think long and hard to come up with what I am most passionate about. Anyone who knows me knows that the answer is food. I love reading about it, trying different things, cooking new recipes, throwing fun parties–big and small. I relish the chaos of happy kids racing through the house while a group of adults congregate in the kitchen. I enjoy hosting sit-down dinners by candlelight. I am happiest when Gary’s manning the grill and I’m serving platters of the summer’s finest fruits and vegetables. This is what I am passionate about and what I needed to share.
With that revelation, Sly Rooster evolved from infancy to adolescence and morphed into “Musings of a Sly Rooster.” I started to blog, as I hope you will read in my first post, originally with no intention. If there is a step before dipping one’s toe in the water, that was what I was doing. I picked it up and put it down. “Maybe this wasn’t practical,” I told myself, and went looking for something that was. In the end, I circled back around to my “Musings” because I found myself thinking about it all the time. These days, I can actually feel the promise in, “Do something you love and the rest will follow.” I am thrilled to share my life in “Musings of a Sly Rooster.” I may be in that awkward, gangly stage, trying to figure out what posts are most interesting, where to find more followers and how to navigate the world of social media, but I truly enjoy writing, cooking and entertaining and hope you will follow me as Sly Rooster continues to grow.
UPDATE: It’s been a hot minute since I wrote my bio above (spoiler alert: kids are now in high school and college!) and I’ve been cooking up to a few projects of my own. I started working as a food consultant to a couple of local gourmet markets. I advised these businesses on recipes, concepts, took a brief stint in the kitchen as Executive Chef, did some catering and became something of a cheesemonger. With my passion for buying, tasting and sharing delicious artisanal cheese in full swing, I launched Sly Rooster Cheese as a way to share my cheese and charcuterie creations with a broad audience. With a Thanksgiving holiday launch behind me and Christmas/New Year’s fast approaching, my social media presence has taken a back seat. Early 2021, you can expect to find a website but until then check out Sly Rooster Cheese on Instagram @slyroostercheese and feel free to email me at for more information.

serves up to 6

serves up to 10

Individual Cheese & Charcuterie
February 3, 2021 @ 4:19 pm
I am so happy to have discovered Sly Rooster. Thanks to LisaStransky Brown!!!
February 13, 2018 @ 6:33 am
It took a little while…(nobody has ever accused me of being on time) but I am now formally a blog and recipe follower! When I read this my first thought was “she sounds so cool. I want to be friends with her” Lucky me
February 14, 2018 @ 5:33 pm
cracking up!
February 14, 2017 @ 12:22 am
Dani – after all these years I finally clicked the link ‘why sly rooster’ and now I know ! Very cool story – Kevin
April 30, 2015 @ 6:46 pm
Hi Dani!! I didn’t see an email address or contact info on your blog, but I’d love to talk to you about a possible collaboration with Nourish Schools. Email me back if you’re interested! My name’s McClain and my email is: (I’m their social media manager!). PS. absolutely LOVE your blog and your simple and fun approach to cooking at home. Def trying your shrimp recipe this week! 🙂
June 16, 2014 @ 5:27 pm
Your blog looks wonderful!!! I look forward to following you 🙂
-April at The Thin Kitchen
April 6, 2014 @ 8:22 am
I was introduced to your BLOg by a mutual friend, Wendy Gracias! I have tried almost everything you have posted. Always a hit, whether for family dinners or GNO dips. My family and friends think I’m Julia Child, and must spend some serious time in the kitchen. Little do they know… Thanks for sharing, you have definitely made my life tastier and easier!!
Melissa McCabe
April 6, 2014 @ 9:55 am
You’ve made my day! What a great compliment. Thanks for trusting me 😉
March 24, 2014 @ 8:22 pm
Amazing blog and I love my new title ‘ clever hen’. Proud to be a Sly Rooster, Clever Hen and loving our recipes, organized pantry, and new ingredients in our lives. I can’t wait to make these brown butter chocolate chip cookies…sooo up MY alley! Loved reading your bio and even happier that you are my friend. Keep ’em com in! xoxo
March 24, 2014 @ 10:04 pm
I need some baking lessons from YOU! Let me know if these cookies are up to par.
July 7, 2013 @ 7:27 am
Well hi dani its me Cosi in your bio wer you said I’m mother sister … I just wanted to remember you that you forgot that you are aunt ! Sent by cosi
July 7, 2013 @ 7:23 pm
Cosi, you couldn’t be more right! Check out my updated bio 🙂 And, by the way, can’t wait to meet my new furry nephew!
June 12, 2013 @ 8:07 am
Thanks for visiting my blog too. Don’t worry I am at the what’s next phase too and thats why I am blogging, am a mum of 4. I am cooking too, now, and baking as well. Have a lovely day and a wonderful week!!!
March 20, 2013 @ 2:25 pm
We are truly enjoying your blog and your food in our household! Our whole family loved the fish tacos. Direct quote from my kids, “Tacos are totes amazingly cray cray!”
Thanks for sharing Dani… I’ll definitely will make more of your recipes!
February 10, 2013 @ 11:32 am
Wow! You are quite the cook Dani! Thanks for sharing your recipes and for making them fun to read…looking forward to reading many more! Coach Anzelone